영어동스쿨 No.1 영어 김태희 텝스 인강
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영어동스쿨 No.1 텝스 독학 인강
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경우에 따라 달라.
영작을 할 때마다 최대 100포인트를 드립니다. 영작을 하면 다른 사람들의 영작을 확인할 수 있습니다.

입력 글자 : 0자
50자 이하로 작성하거나 욕설/도배/성의없는 글을 작성할 경우 다른 사람의 답변이 안보일수 있습니다.

질문 7 : 걔 좀 소개시켜줘.

내 답변 : Hello there, My name is Aly and I would like to know if you would have any interest to have your website here at 05dong.com promoted as a resource on our blog alychidesign.com ? We are in the midst of updating our broken link resources to include current and up to date resources for our readers. Our resource links are manually approved allowing us to mark a link as a do-follow link as well . If you may be interested please in being included as a resource on our blog, please let me know. Thanks, Aly
I see the your friend. i want to meet him. would you introduce your friend? oh please.
답변자 : 승은**회원님
I want to know and be close to her. please introduce me to.her.
답변자 : isle**회원님
Would you please introduce her for me? Id like to know her
답변자 : 거친**회원님
I want to know him. give me his phone number, pleas~~!
답변자 : 헤니**회원님
I want to see her. Could you give me phone number?
답변자 : jin3**회원님

질문 6 : 같이 영화보러 갈래?

내 답변 : Fa55HT jubtalcbpxat, [url=http://pzaevwxzhyzy.com/]pzaevwxzhyzy[/url], [link=http://tmvmgjxyjjyq.com/]tmvmgjxyjjyq[/link], http://boudjnvihvgi.com/
Would you like a movie? i have a complementary two ticket. let's go to see a movie.
답변자 : link**회원님
Would you like to go to the movie famoused in all over the world these day?
답변자 : mini**회원님
What do you think about that will go to watch movie with me.
답변자 : pkwy**회원님
Why don't we go to the cinema to watch movie together?
답변자 : bin8**회원님
I was wondering if would you like go to movie with me.
답변자 : ehtj**회원님

질문 5 : 감기약 주세요.

내 답변 : fo6sag ezmjdsqlvaqh, [url=http://razjmonjphug.com/]razjmonjphug[/url], [link=http://evdvrsaeurqj.com/]evdvrsaeurqj[/link], http://msrsgteymfgt.com/
I have a cold plz make me healthy give me a magic medicine!
답변자 : jeap**회원님
I'd like to get a medicine which is suitable for a cold.
답변자 : subl**회원님
I would like to take some cold medicine, piease
답변자 : jina**회원님
I cought a cold. so I want to buy some medision.
답변자 : 행복**회원님
Can you give me a medicin. I think I have a cold
답변자 : snoo**회원님


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