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사진 1

내 답변 : 위 사진을 영어로 묘사해주세요. 답변을 입력하면 다른 회원님들의 답변을 확인할 수 있습니다.
This is a picture taken indoors on the subway. the first thing i can see is the man is holding a pole and he is putting his hand in the pocket. in the background of the picture some people are sitting..(More)
답변자 : a**회원님
A man wearing a black jacket is holding on to a pole in New York subway train. I believe the train has made a stop at a station because the doors are open at the moment. There are many other passenger..(More)
답변자 : kikw**회원님
This picture was taken in a subway. the center of the picture, a man in a black jumper is standing in there holing a long handle. Behind him, there are also some other passengers are sitting on the c..(More)
답변자 : k673**회원님
This picture waa probably taken in a subway. The first I noticed is a guy who is a blond. He is wearing a black jacket and a black pants as well. And he is putting his right hand into his pocket. . On..(More)
답변자 : sla2**회원님
This is picture taken in subway. First I can see a man in a black jacket. He is holding a pole with a hand and standing with his hand in his pant's poke. And he is wearing a watch. behind him, there a..(More)
답변자 : bowa**회원님


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